As the biggest self noticed sages claim, mastering yourself is real power. And as one masters yourself and goes to greater stages of attention (or self actualization), he or she normally becomes the head those with smaller growth want to follow. Thus the need for frequent worry centered leadership methods - control, control, brains, adjustment, structure, and power -disappear.
From my own experiential voyage along Maslow's structure of needs, self actualization delivers the presents of popularity, humbleness, trust and an organized wish to offer the present time. From that "leadership orientation" performance becomes clear, highly effective, genuine, aware and moral. Motivated action occurs from quality.
So how does a head increase attention, and move to greater stages of self actualization? According to my research and knowledge, the actions can be aggregated into three non-linear methods.
Three methods to increasing consciousness
Identify Your Ego
As Beatle, Henry Harrison noticed and had written, "All through the day, I Me My own, I Me My own, I Me Mine", it seems to be an native to the island part of the human encounter to obsessivelyidentify with the content of the ego - "the tale of me", and compulsively ruminate on how to secure and boost "the tale of me", - my job, my wage, my success, my popularity, my house, my account - and the list goes on.
Scientists tell us we have 60,000 ideas per day, and 80% of them are recurring. I would claim, that 90% of the 80% are concerns and wishes on how to secure or boost "the tale of me", often motivated by a wish to be "more than" or a worry of being "less than" the other.
Since truth is temporary, and we will always understand people as "more than" and "less than", this regular attitude is entirely without expertise. But furthermore, for company commanders, if we let the ego get into the car owner chair, in a self determined search of success, power and popularity we can easily get found up in driving the tale of me, and go impaired to our greater naturel.
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In so doing, we enhance our understanding of ourselves individual, encounter a primal lack of protection, and slide into the social centered aggressive adversarial mind-set - win lose considering - destroy the competitors - destroy or be murdered.
By knowing and recognizing the characteristics of ego, we can start to notice it's dangerous prospective, step outside "the tale of me" and 'let go". We can set aside the self-serving pushes of the ego, in support of performing for the greater whole - our company stakeholders (employees, clients, investors, providers, group environment) and individual connections (friends, family, group, self, planet). The net result is greater relationship, sympathy, sympathy, believe in, interaction, performance and performance - the DNA of moral leadership.
2. Present Your Authority Shadow
I viewleadership as the power to effect others to good modify. And we're always impacting those in our companies - regardless of our name or position, so it's crucial to get on purpose about our principles, and stay our principles everyday. Understanding principles here is key, because principles generate principles, principles generate actions and actions expands to the growth of lifestyle.
The issue is many of our principles are self-limiting and subconscious, generally dropping into three primary areas:
Inadequacy - I'm not (rich, sensible, eye-catching etc.) enough;
Scarcity - I'm don't have enough (money, attention, power, love etc.); and
Trust - I don't believe in (you, myself, lifestyle, God etc.).
They're designed into our ideas as children, further programmed throughout lifestyle, and often the source of subconscious worry and disgrace. We then create covers to cover up these subconscious principles, which makes inauthentic actions, sabotages reliability, and empties us of the important power to motivate, create and perform. The subconscious concept of these subconscious principles makes the leader's darkness.
Carl Jung said "until you create the subconscious aware, it will immediate your lifestyle and you will call it fate". Therefore, to access to all of your power as a head, it is important to create the subconscious aware - do the required "in-venture" to discover and bring the darkness into the light of attention.
When the inner growth work is done, we can know and take all of who we are. We free up power used in overlaying parts of ourselves we regard wrong, and connect to the real power of our genuine selves. As we increase validity, we develop believe in and relationship allowing us to better encourage our groups to generate good modify. We also then work with extended mental-emotional quality, making more influential options and choices to create greater value.
3. Create Your Abilities of Observation
Self attention improves only when we start to notice our ideas - the source of ego and darkness mentioned above, and the turbine of all thought, sentiment and feeling. When we start to notice our mental-emotional response styles and the experiences we develop we can:
Access existence - the place where calmness, relaxed and psychological quality exists;
Access space - between the tale of me (ego identification) and the viewer of the tale of me (witness) where our power, energy, performance and reliability live;
Access independence -in the capability to create more competent options arranged with our maximum upcoming possibility;
Access power - in monitoring the darkness and knowing it's source, we can take, include and allow greater validity, reliability and full self concept.
As we exercise determining ego, revealing our dark areas, and monitoring the inadequate routines of our ideas, we normally feel a greater sense of relationship with all things.
We develop a more highly effective knowing that as commanders, we're real associates with community - accountable to the whole stakeholder system - investors, workers, clients, providers, associates, group, world.
And we can access a reservior of organic power, centered in organic law that allows us to become a more motivated co-creator of company lifestyle, instead of a less motivated reactor to company lifestyle.
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